
it is sunday .. out of order ... out of space ... thinking and going on with my book of poetry with my graphics... indie lofi noise morning ...

Yes, that is true. I visited here one festival and it was very inspirating for me.
Today I want start my poetry book - finally...and which rythm I will choose for support ?
Let's listen !!!!

Thank you Frank aneb půpeční šňůra ruleZ !

for two months - you can write, call or visit me here

Name of the housse : Les Mercanderies
Name of the street : Chemin de le croix Havron
Name of the Village : BEAUMONT EN AUGE
Zip code : 14 950
Country : France
Phone number 00 33 . 02 31 64 69 83


..the path in the dust where bitches become sweet..



Po městysech
Žito kejklí
Kolem cesty v prachu
kurvy sládnou

/ / /

Pojď ke mně
Přistup blíž
Špatně vidím
Ach jsi tak hladký
Mrdej mne pomalu
Jsem už stará
Moc stará
a unavená

(Na zásvětí, 1999)